We will be bringing you an "Ask Tim" segment, but WE NEED QUESTIONS!!!! So if you have some that you would like to ask please post them as comments for this post. We will answer them as soon as we can.
-Drew Willard
and you thought we were losers before.
We will be bringing you an "Ask Tim" segment, but WE NEED QUESTIONS!!!! So if you have some that you would like to ask please post them as comments for this post. We will answer them as soon as we can.
-Drew Willard
NOOOO! Tim quit? WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!??! that sucks man! well, here are my questions:
Question 1: why didn't you open the mountan dew?
Question 2: how did 'tim does funny stuff' fist start?
Question 3: why did Tim quit?
Question 4: well, not really a question, but more of a comment:
Drew, define know vs. now. you need a beta.
NOOOO!!!!! I'm going to kill Jim.
Question 1; Why did Jim quit? Specific reason?
Question 2; Are you planning on updating more often now?
And Question 3; Will the videos continue to be posted? Or will TDFS do something else now?
And a shout out to you guys for continuing to keep the site going even though Jim (who I'm, again, going to KILL tomorrow) quit.
Always a dedicated fan,
ya i got some beautiful questions.
What color does a smurf turn when you choke it?
What would have happened if Dorothy took the Red Brick Road?
What happens when a women takes a viagra?
and you should absolutely change the name to "Tim, Please Elaborate" if this is Drew reading this then have Tim all of my comments are directed to him its easier to talk to him because he unlike you has enough patience to listen to what i say so ya.
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